Justin and I had to opportunity to go to Disneyland with Justin's family for a family vacation. We had a ton of fun...this is what we did:
We left for California on Saturday and met up with Justin's brother's Family in Las Vegas to spend the night. While traveling to our hotel, we some how ended up in the geto part of town....scary...When traveling through a neighborhood a white car pulled in fount of John's vehicle and it would not let John around or pass by. It kept stopping and when John would go around it would move and not let him pass. Eventually we lost the car which was a relief, and we were really glad to see that hotel that we would be staying in that night.
The next morning we headed on-ward to California. We stopped at this little place called baker California because this sign said that they had the best gyro's in the whole USA...They were really good so if you happen to go to Baker, CA I recommend the Gyro's...They are great!!! As for California Justin's parents rented this home for all the siblings to be able to stay together. There was 27 of us total...and it was a small home... lets just say that Justin and I did not get a lot of sleep because we were sleeping in the living room of the home... In that room you could hear every little thing (Like a crying baby at night...we were so tired at the end of the week).
The first day we went to Disneyland...We got to ride Space Mountain, Indiana Jones ( a really cool ride), Pirates, splash Mountain, thunder mountain, toad wild ride, and many more. They were all so fun... We ate in the park and when we got back to the home we all crashed...it was a long day.
The Second day we got to go to California Adventure Land. They had a lot of fun rides like Flying over California, wild rapids, the screamer, tower of terror(which i did not ride...I don't like the felling of falling), and the screamer...eventually Justin and I ended up in a bugs land so we did the little kid bumper cars...they were so much fun...Justin and I probably looked stupid we were the oldest on that ride everyone else had kids oh well it was fun. Later that day we got to watch the parade of all the charters off of all the Disney movies...it was sure fun.
The Third day Justin and I took our time we went back to Disneyland and went shopping...we found some drumsticks for Jordan that had the night mare before Christmas on them, they were really cool. We found the biggest lolli pop's for Garrett and Jordan and a picture photo album for Garrett to take on his mission with him (really so he would remember us).
Then we got to go to Sea World...we got to watch all the dolphins shows, along with shamu...We sat in the soak section every time but never once got wet...we were a little disappointed...oh well.
On Friday we went to Universal studios...it was a great day to go because all the rides are inside and outside it was raining...not really raining it was pouring...we were wet from head to foot...walking to all the different rides but we had fun..We got to see Terminator 2 show, Mummy Ride (Loved It), Jurassic Park Ride, Simson Ride, and a Sound show along with some others...Our vote for the favorite was simson ride...it was a lot of fun. Then we went and ate of Hard Rock Cafe...So Yummy.
Well then on Saturday we packed up and came home...We had a ton a of and was sad to see the week end... Here are some pictures of our Trip....

This Picture is of the tram that we got to ride every morning to Disneyland...

This picture is off Mickey at the fount Gates of Disneyland.

This is Justin and I at Toad's Wild Ride...

Mom Rowley and Justin with almost all of the grandkids while parents are riding the Sky Coster in California Adventure Land.

Justin on a roller coster that I refused to go on...

Justin with the Bear rabbit people near Splash Mountain.

Polor Bears at Sea World.

The flamingo's really liked Justin...The tallest one their was 5'9inches tall.

Shamu Show...it was really fun to watch.

Can you guess who this is?

Zaralynn will like this one!!!

Justin really liked getting into the movies.