So yesterday I went and picked up Leah from the babysitters and went on with my day......
Having dinner with Mom.
Helping Mom with her Standards Night Program
Leah starts to get grumpy
Start looking for binki realizing that I left the beloved binki at the babysitters
Having no extra binki I tried everything to find something that would take Leah mind of the binki
Leah starts having a tantrum and cry's at the top of her lungs.
Try to call husband to see if he knew where a binki is
Take Mom home
Mom-Grandma says good luck and leaves me with crying baby
Leah crying for 1 1/2 hours
I take Leah screaming into Smith drug store
As soon as Leah sees binki on shelf crying stops
Leah carries the precious binki to check out and will not give them to the cashier
Relief at last....Binki in mouth
Falls asleep on the way home.
Oh boy, am I in trouble...
Oh boy, am I in trouble...
Ha Ha Ha Ha......I remember a moment just like that myself...don't worry...they get over the another year or so! I am happy to know that you found a little humor in it. Too funny. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like you have a little drama queen on your hands! Good luck with that! LOL :) Love you!
Oh my gosh that is too funny. Leah knows how to get what she wants :)
At least you'll be able to take the binki away (eventually). I hear they have flavored ones now but haven't tried them myself. Amy is attached to her thumb. Which is nice of course because I can't lose it, but also not nice since it's impossible to take it away. (Cute blog background by the way.)
P.S. Happy Birthday to Leah this week!
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