Oct 1, 2010

Dustin's Head Stone

Ashley called us up last week and informed us that when she had gone up to see Dustin's grave, she was suprised that Dustin's headstone was there. So, mom, dad, Jordan, Leah and myself decided that we needed to head up there and see it. So, I took some pictures so that all my sibling would also see it, being that they do not live here in Vernal. I tried to take some close up so that you could get the full picture of what it looks like. The Japanese signs on the head stone turned out great. Some of the pictures of them would not flip around to be right side up so sorry about that.

1 comment:

Nichole said...

I saw this on Ashley's blog, and I think it looks great. It is just perfect. I am really jealous that you already got to see it in person though. Cute pics of Dad and Leah too.