Sep 14, 2013

Keyan's Two Year Pictures.

So I love to take pictures of the kids around their birthday. Today was so perfect to do this because it was perfect weather. So we went out and got them done. I love how they turned out. 
 I love this one!
 This is my other favorite.
 This is Keyan's Mean face...I love it...
 I also love this one. 
 I had to take some of Leah while we were there. She loves to pose for the camera. 
Love this one of Leah. 
 I love this one of Leah as well. She is so cute...
I cant believe how big my kids are getting. 

Happy Birthday Keyan

My Baby Boy is turning 2!
For Keyan's birthday dinner we decided to go to McDonald's, Keyan's favorite place to eat. Of course he mostly played instead of ate...but I am glad he had fun. 
 After eating we went home to open presents and eat some cake. Grandma Millett hit the nail on head when the top of her present was a banana and peanut butter. Keyan's favorite things in the whole world. 
 It was really funny when we started to open presents Keyan wanted nothing to do with them until he realized that some of the presents had cars in them. He was pretty funny. 
 Keyan with his Birthday Cake

Keyan's Birthday Cake

So last year I thought I would try my hand at making the kids cakes to save some money. So when deciding what to make for Keyan's cake we decided to do a construction theme cake, as Keyan loves any kid of cars. I think it turned out really cool. 

Happy 2nd Birthday Keyan

Keyan I can't believe that you are turning 2. We love you so much. You bring smiles to our faces every time you give us hugs and kisses. You are a bright influence in our family. Keyan you love to play with cars more than anything else. You have to have them at the table when we eat and in bed with you when you go to sleep. You love to play with them day in and day out. You also love to eat eggs, bananas, peanut butter, and chicken nuggets. Keyan you love your daddy more than anything else. You are all smiles for him every time he walks through the door. We are so glad that you are part of our family, we don't know what we would do without you. 

We love you, 

Love Mom and Dad.

Visiting the Family

Justin and I were tired of working on the house and wanted to get out of town for a short vacation. We decided to go and visit Justin's brother John and family. While there we decided to go to Thanksgiving Point and see the Farm. We got to see all the animals and then ride the ponies and take the hay ride. It was a fun way to spend the morning/afternoon. 
 Riding the Hay ride...Yea. 
We love spending time with family. We will have to come back soon to do something else that is fun.