Jul 10, 2011

Rowley Family Sealing

Justin and I had the opportunity to go to Provo the first weekend in July and be a part of Justin's brother Jeff and his wife Laura, have their baby Jonas sealed to them in the Provo temple. They have been waiting for a year to have the adoption complete to be able to do so. We are so excited for them so Congradualations Jeff, Laura and Jonas. It was realy awasome that they were able to come up to Utah to have the sealing and that all of Justin's siblings were able to attend the temple. It was also great the Justin's grandmother a aunt were also able to attend. I was able to take a few picture of this great day. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.

This picture is of Justin with his Granda Allred 
 Here is Grandma, Mom, Terrie, and Dad!
 I took some pictures of some of Justin's siblings that were there here is Jesse and Lisa
 Grandma and Jonas
 Jordan and Chelsie along with Kirsti and Ken
 Here is Grandma with Laura, Jeff and Jonas
 Jeff, Laura, and Jonas

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm glad you posted these.