This year is my family year to do thanksgiving. So my sister's and their families both came out. It was a lot of fun to see them and spend time with them. On, Wednesday we did family game night...needless to say is that my sister Jennie is the game champion....every game that we played she won. I could not believe it. She never plays games and some of the games she had never played before....but,we had fun was just a fun to spend time with family.
On Thursday, Justin and I actually slept never was so nice to sleep in until 8am....Leah is a early riser and usually is up at the crack of dawn but it was a nice gift from her to let us sleep. When I got up it was all work...I started to make pies and get everything ready to head over to my parents house. When we got to my parents dinner was almost made and the smell of the turkey was wonderful. We then learned that dinner would be put on hold while we wait for my sister Cassy to arrive. My sister Cassy had some unfortunate car trouble that caused her to come a day late. We are just glad that her family arrived safely to spend some quality time with us.
Dinner that day was so good...can I say that I love stuffing! YUM! It was nice to sit down as a family, eat good food, and spend some time together visiting. After dinner we continued to visit, look at black Friday adds and played some games.
On Friday, at the crack of dawn...precisely at 5am..I really don't know what I was thinking by going into the mad rush of the crazy shoppers at Wal-Mart. Leah was really good even though she was so so tired...But, I do have to report that I did get the few items that I was seeking for Christmas. Justin even joined me once he got off working the night shift. After we finished I was going to join my family for breakfast but we decided that we liked sleep more and all went back to bed. Leah even slept the longest...sleeping until 11am. I really must of tired her out.

Later that day Leah Justin and I joined my family and went to the holly festival that Vernal holds every year. We started by going to the craft fair...It was fun to see all the net stuff that they make..I even got some new stocking that I have been looking for since Justin and I got married. I was so excited when I found them. They are so cute. I am so happy that I got them...Yea for me! They will go perfect in my living room and with all my Christmas stuff. We then did lunch at my parents house and I took Justin back to work. After lunch we decided that we would go back to the Holly Festival because they had lots of activities all day that were free. The one activity that we decided to do was ride a camel...Yes a Camel...We waited in line for a little over 45 minutes but it was so much fun...Leah and I rode it together. We had a lot of fun and who could really say that they ever rode a camel. Yeah Leah and I have. We then went over to the Western Park to see the trees and have some Chero's and Hot Chocolate. After that we headed to main street for the Parade of lights and to eat some chocolate fried oreo's. It was a fun and tiring day...I am glad that Leah had fun. It was a great Thanksgiving.
Here are some fun Pictures of the Holly Festival...
Here is a picture of Reed, Isaac, and Kaden
Picture of Abbie and Cassy
Leah and Me!
Mom and Dad