Oct 6, 2011

Keyan's Birth

         It was about 4:45 in the morning and I woke up and realized that my water had broken...well at least I thought that it was my water. I informed Justin when he woke that morning and told him that I was going to wait until my doctor's office opened at 8am to have them check me. So due to both of us having to work at 7am we both headed to work after dropping Leah off at the babysitters home. I knew that I would have my team meeting that morning and thought that I could go over my cases with my team at DCFS and so they knew what they were doing while I was out on maternity leave. So here I was staffing my cases with my team I started to have a lot more contractions and knew that I was defiantly in labor. So I hurried and finished staffing my cases with my team and then told them I was going to the bathroom and left the meeting. I walked out of my meeting, walked to my office, picked up my bag, walked out of the building, and dialed my doctors office.
          I first stopped by my home and picked up my bag to take to the hospital. When I arrived at the doctor's office they let me right in and the doctor checked me to see if my water had broken. Dr. Karl Breitenbach indeed told me that my water had broken and to head over to the hospital so that they could start the pit and get my labor moving along. So I headed to the hospital and called Justin to tell him. I then called my mom and told her to contact my dad. I then had a thought to call my babysitter Rachel Wallenda to ask her if she could keep Leah longer then planned. After, I was all hooked up to all the monitors and they had started the pit. and the antibiotic that I needed for strep B.  I had the thought that I should prob. call my boss and let him know that I would not be coming back to work. I then had the thought that they would prob. be wondering why I never came back from the bathroom. So I called my boss and of course he put me on speaker phone due to my whole team still in the meeting and I let them know that I was in labor.  
           While in labor my Dad was able to come to the hospital and help Justin give me a blessing. It was nice to visit him to pass the time as we were waiting for our little guy to come. Dad then left to run some errand's. Right around 4pm the nurses came in to give me my epidural. I was around 5 cm at this point. They gave me the epidural and soon after that Keyan started showing stress signs when I would have contractions. The nurse decided at this point to put a lead into his head to help them get a better heart beat on him. At this point mom showed up and we got to visit with her as my contractions were not as bad as they had been. Shortly after my epidural I started to feel some discomfort as I could start to feel my contractions again. I asked the nurse to check me and she was surprised as I was to find out that was already at 8cm. Just then the babysitter showed up to hand Leah off to my mom. Just then I told the nurse to check me again because I felt a lot of pressure. She told me that she just checked me and I told her to do it again. She checked me and i was ready to have him. The nurse was then in a rush on the phone with the doctor and trying to get the room set up.
           At that point Mom decided to walk with Rachel (babysitter) to her car to get Leah's diaper bag and while they were gone the doctor came and I had Keyan within 10 min. Mom said that she was surprised that by the time she got back to my room I had, had Keyan. All I can say is if you are going to get an epidural make sure that you get it in time for it to work. Mine of course would not keep up with how fast my body was going. No fun!  For all those that have kids natural-Bless You! I never want to do that again.
      Some of the first visitors that came to see little Keyan was my parents and Leah being that they were there when he was born. Leah was so cute she didn't know what to think about the whole thing. 

Garrett and his girlfriend even came down to see the baby.
Soon after Mom and Dad left to get Leah fed dinner and then returned later that night to see the baby again. When Leah got there again to see the baby. Leah received a gift from her new little brother to his big sister. Leah was so excited to get her own baby doll so that she could have a baby like mommy.
Others also came to see the baby in the hospital. Jordan and his girlfriend Kayla came to see Keyan and to hold him.
The next day...my friend Rachel Wallenda came to visit and to see the baby.
My mom and Leah also came bye again to see the baby. Mom told me that Leah did really good at her home and loves to play with her new doll. That day Leah kept saying Baby and pointing to Keyan

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